Questions, booking queries, feedback or just a general “HELLO” - I would love to hear from you!


ONLINE VIA ZOOM world wide

physical Address
Canmore, Alberta


+1 403 688 0567



I am not a doctor or counsellor. I do not treat, cure or diagnose disease. I do not do talk therapy. All of my offerings are set to empower you with the knowledge, skills, resources &/or experiences you need to holistically treat ALL that makes up you [i.e. your body, mind AND spirit], from ALL of the angles using a variety of self-care tools that derive benefit from both science & energetic perspectives. Progressively & sustainably improve your health, mood stability, feelings of joy, calm, confidence, satisfaction, as well as connection to your self & your purpose in life. Work with me if you are keen to be empowered to realise your highest potential on this earth [which is simply the REAL YOU free of the adverse affects of stress, health imbalances, stuck low vibrational energy, limiting thoughts, stories & false beliefs].